The Giving Lens

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So I'm lying here in bed, procrastinating before I head down town and and I came across a link for name anagrams. It's lame, pointless and yet, totally adictive! Here is a list of some of my friend's names, post-anagramified!

Ray: Rainy Bore

Louise: Oily Nudes Keen

Kathryn: In Lanky Hatred

Kicki: King Or Dirtiest Dick

Robin: Brown Up The Moronity

Greym: My Smart Geek

I tried lots more but these were the pick of the bunch. Well, that was 20 minutes well spent.

Also, here is a comic...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Are we there yet?

“Until this week Saturn’s small moon Rhea was the only known solid space object thought to have a ring. (Other known ringed bodies, such as Saturn, are mainly gaseous.) But a new study of optical images has failed to detect any signs of structures encircling the natural satellite."

I found this article over at the NatGeo website via Derren Brown's blog via his Twitter (Mmmmm, connection-y) and it got me thinking about how I wish the "real" space age would just hurry up and begin already!

Since I was kid i've been fascinated with Space and nearly anything to do with it. Almost always in a science fiction way but now and again the reality edges its way in. The Mars rovers, the Cassini-Huygens mission and the recent space walks on the ISS.

Epic space battles and hot alien sluts are all well and good, but sometimes just reading an article about a moon and learning new stuff about our Solar System really excites me. It also annoys me because I know that I'll never get to seduce a Vash-type alien chick and contract space herpes!

here is the article: Nat Geo